Thursday, October 4, 2012

Larry Silverstein and the Bernard Mendik-Vornado Realty Connection

It's difficult for many to see the wood for the trees when it comes to 9/11. So much horror, so much information, so many conspiracy theories, so much fear by those that don't want to be seen to buy into the theories, or even look at the evidence presented in case they are seen as a "traitor'' and we all know that famous Bushwellian comment, that has been drilled into the American psyche, to the point it has been as affective as a national lobotomy; "'you are either with us or with the terrorists''. It doesn't give one much room to move or make an informed opinion does it?

So, with all the fear and paranoia of being seen as a ''traitor'' or even "'terrorist'' by taser toting Home Land Security, most prefer to just "'ignore'' the evidence. Muslim goes hand in hand with terrorism, Jew goes hand in hand with Israel, or does it? Much has been said about the use of the term "'Jewish'' with regard to the 9/11 insurance article about Mr Laurence Silverstein, multi Billionaire owner of the 99 year lease to the second biggest crime scene of all time, The World trade centre. (the first being Auschwitz-Birkenau). Some even say using the term "'Jewish'' in context, is somehow anti-Semitic! Yet why are people so much less sensitive when the term "'Muslim'' is used whenever speaking of "'the terrorists''?

But in all fairness to be clear, one needs to be specific and include "'Islamic fundamentalists'' to the Muslim in the case of Jihadists and Zionist to the Jew or other, that is intent on the total control of Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of those lands of the Palestinian peoples. After all, one can't really be a Jihadist unless a Muslim but one can be a Zionist without necessarily being a Jew. But the chances are, if you are a VERY wealthy American Jew you are more than likely to be Zionist! But one needs to remember the Zionist plot to monopolize the holy land is only part of the Endgame to a One World Government controlled by the Bankster elite, with a pretext that the Jews are the chosen people and that Palestine or Israel, as the Zionists prefer to call it, is exclusively home to the lost tribe of Israel the Jews. I should add here, before I return to the core of this commentary on Laurence Silverstein and gang, that Jews and Muslims have lived in peace for hundreds of years before the Zionist plot to dominate Palestine and the endless propaganda created to create hatred between the two communities is merely that, propaganda. But what is the objective of this propaganda? What is it's purpose? and how does one plan this New World Order Endgame with the complete support of the western world?

Let's start by looking at a hypothesis, for example; how could one go about taking away civil power from the people in the west without a fight? Even better, in a way where the public literally "'hand over'' that power voluntarily? To start with, if I were mastermind and puppet-master of the "'Endgame'' I would imagine we need a scapegoat and none better than the muslims, as they have so much to offer. After all, it is mainly within the Arab lands where the greatest riches and largest pools of petroleum resources lie, plus the largest poppy fields! So we have decided the Muslim Arabs are the initial candidates for scapegoats. Then we need to get everyone to mistrust and hate the scapegoat Muslims, not just the crazed ignorant fundamentalist Muslim that truly believes that after they have blown themselves and many innocents up, they will spend the rest of time in paradise drinking honey out of the cleavages of singing virgins. No, for a plan like this to work, we have to hate ALL muslims, men women and children. We can take some great tips from Hitler; he did exactly this when he made scapegoats of the Jews and Gypsies. A good start is to lock them up in a big concentration camp, we can do that in Gaza and starve and leave them with no sanitary conditions no clean water, no work, no freedom, nothing! And we don't let them come out unless we say so.

To keep them feeling utterly hopeless, we need to hound, harass and humiliate them, shooting the odd child and woman in the back when going to the shops is good, make them MAD! Make them hate us! Make them so mad they will do anything to get revenge, make them crazy and then we'll groom and recruit those crazies through our own "'agents'' that are infiltrated within the "'islamic cause'' Then we finance and groom our mad crazy Jihadists to pull off false flag ops for us! Wow! This could work. We could pull off shocking murderous operations on civilians and blame it all on the "'Jihadist terrorists'', just as we did with the 1954 "'Operation Susannah'' the 1985 hijacking of The Archille Lauro, the 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, (the list is long and truly impressive). Not only that, we need to do some really big scary horrific stuff so everyone hands over their civil liberties in the name of security. Slicing off the head of an American Jewish journalist on camera would be amazingly powerful, that will scare the pants off them! Imagine that on American TV! Fear is the key, the public should be reminded constantly that we are all under "'threat'' from the nasty "'terrorists''. Then We'll set up 'off shore' detention camps and invent plots and cells that we can blame on innocent men going about their daily business, till we come in the night, cross- border and kidnap and drag them off to the detention camp.

Here we will use lots of grisly torture and threaten that we will do equally nasty things to their women and children so they confess to something they have never done. Oh, no trial, no access to legal process, of course not, it's got to be under wraps, can't have the bastards coming up with alibi's and evidence of their innocence. Great Plan! We had better do away with Habeas Corpus though! Oh, of course we already did that, great! We could dominate the entire Arab world and loot all the resources and after smashing the place up, we'll send in our own companies to "'rebuild''. All our rebuild contracts paid for by the dumb taxpayer! We are clever, yeah, who's going to stop us? We have the perfect excuse that we have to go in and "'get them'' we'll tell everyone, "'we need to stop dictatorships'' and "'we need to spread democracy to these murderous unlawful regimes that don't respect human rights and who give refuge to the terrorists'', yeah! that works, if half of the American public are dumb enough to believe that the Federal Reserve is a governmental institution and that Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman they'll believe anything!, They don't even know what democracy really means do they? After all, we whacked democracy years ago and buried it with the Patriot Act! But to continue to do this, we need to keep it amongst ourselves, yeah! Just our very close friends and those that do big favours for us. Hmm, what about our friend Larry Silverstein?

Mr Larry Silverstein is a man that can only be well connected. Born in Brooklyn, to poor middle-class Russian-Jewish parents during the depression, Larry still grew up doing all the things boys from better families do. Larry was taught to play the piano by his classical pianist father Harry and read lots and lots of good books. Larry attended the New York High School of Music and Art. But Larry's father realised that music and books don't make big bucks in Brooklyn, so he turned his hand to being a property broker, renting scruffy loft spaces in the rag district of Brooklyn. What Larry's parents lacked in pennies, they more than made up for in ambition. Larry's family although still relatively poor, surviving on rental commissions, managed to get Larry through NYU. Larry, after graduating from NYU with a new sense of business acumen, went to work full time for his father. Larry though, had bigger plans than his father and told Harry that being a middle man and just taking commission, was not where the money was, to make money letting, one really needed to own the lofts. In 1957, they established Silverstein Properties, as Harry G. Silverstein & Sons, and bought their first building, in Manhattan. Larry set about getting friends and family to invest money in him to buy and renovate scruffy lofts and cheap buildings in run down areas of New York. Now the Silverstein's could command some decent rents and real income through sales. What Larry lacked in development know how, he made up in zealous salesman traits saying

"You've got to believe it to sell'' "You've got to sell with a passion."

In 1956 Larry married Klara, who he had met at Jewish summer camp. The family struggled to start with and Klara used her paltry $3,200 salary as a teacher to help the family get through those early years. The family joke is that Klara was the original Silverstein breadwinner.

Around this time, Larry's best friend |Bernard Mendik, a later New York law School graduate, married Larry's sister Annette and became part of the Silverstein family business. The three men Harry, Larry and Bernard then set their sights on becoming the most powerful real estate developers of New York. When Harry Silverstein died in 1966, Bernard Mendik and Silverstein's son Larry formed Silverstein & Mendik.

Larry and Klara went on to have three children the eldest Sharon, although Harvard educated, then married and became a home-maker but the two younger children, Lisa and Roger went on to work for their father and still work for Silverstein properties today.

Silverstein's first big break came when he bought 11 west 42nd street near Bryant Park, before it was renovated to what it is today. He then built at 42nd west of Eleventh Avenue, and in lower Manhattan at 120 Broadway, a 1.8 million-square-foot giant occupying a full square block, steps from Wall Street. By the eighty's, Silverstein was a multi- millionaire and controlled more than 10 million square feet of Manhattan residential and commercial property.

By the time Silverstein set his sights on the WTC, his brother-in-law Bernard Mendik had split from Silverstein after divorcing Larry's sister. With the divorce, also came the split of the Silverstein Mendik business partnership. Mendik was now running his own property company, The Mendik Company. At the time of the split with Silverstein, Mendik cited disagreements with Silverstein over real estate strategies, with Mendik wanting to buy buildings while Silverstein wanted to build. It is said things were "'not good'' between Larry and Bernard at the time of their split and it was also said that "'Larry and Bernard had a messy falling-out after Mr. Mendik divorced Mr. Silverstein's sister Annette'' Mendik, who went on to be a very successful lawyer and property developer in his own right after splitting from Silverstein was well liked and did much for charity.

Both men went their own ways till April 1997, when Bernard Mendik, ex brother in law of Silverstein folded his company holdings into the Vornado Realty Trust, a real estate investment trust with shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange. It was said at the time of the negotiations ''The combination, of Vornado with the Mendik Company's 40-year experience in the ownership and operation of office properties is expected to create a powerhouse that will be an active player in the city market.''

It was written by Lois Weiss in The Real Estate weekly in March 1997

"In one of the most interesting transactions this year, developer/owner Bernard Mendik has agreed to swap his city real estate portfolio to become part of the Vornado Realty Trust. The transaction is valued at $654 million in a combination of cash, stock and debt,'

Mendik was at the time very close to forming his own REIT when Michael D. Fascitelli the former investment banker from Goldman Sachs who had been lured to Vornado Realty, convinced Mendik to join forces with Vornado. Mendik became Vornado's co-chairman. But later resigned in October 1998 to "'look after his personal investments''. Mendik was quoted as saying he was "'stifled'' by corporate bureaucracy, but he still remained a major stockholder in Vornado after his resignation. Vornado Realty just happens to be the very same company which was Silverstein's competitor and beat Silverstein in the initial bid to the port authority for the WTC.

Mendik, through his great success and power in the city, become a very close friend to Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. So much of a trusted friend, that Mendik was hand-picked by Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani to head a business group that provides sanitation, security and other services around Grand Central Terminal. But rifts were caused between the men when Mendik had his own ideas about how to do things and made changes to the board of directors, much to the utter outrage of Giuliani. At the time, Mendik was quoted as saying '' the new group would be free of political interference''

There is no doubt that by the year 2000 Bernard Mendik, former best friend, founding business partner and brother-in-law of Silverstein was now not only a equal major player like Silverstein, but a powerful voice in the property world, in his tenth year as Chairman of the Real Estate Board of New York and certainly Silverstein's toughest competitor.

On February the 15th 2001 Vornado's bid for the WTC, outbid Silverstein Properties $3.2billion bid by over 50 million dollars. It has been said that at some point between the end of March and mid April 2001 Vornado "'suddenly changed their minds'' and "suddenly pulled out'' There have been various reasons given for this, but there is nothing to verify either version.

On April the 26th 2001 Larry Silverstein put in his final bid for the WTC, only four weeks later Bernard Mendik was dead! On July the 24th 2001 Silverstein's offer which was 50 million dollars less than Vornado's was formally accepted and closed.

Bernard Mendik, major shareholder of Vornado Realty died on the 28th May 2001 after being taken "'suddenly'' ill. Only weeks after Vornado "'suddenly pulled out'' after the winning bid that beat Silverstein for the WTC. The official verdict was "'heart attack'' Although heart attack is often un unpredicted health emergency, many of his friends find this hard to believe, as Mendik was as far as they could tell ''a very fit and health conscious man'' in fact, Mendik had even played his regular game of tennis the very day of his death. He had also had regular checkups by the best doctors that money could buy. It was later said that the heart attack was the result of "'a blood disorder''. He had just turned 72. Whatever the cause of Mendik's demise one thing is certain, the withdrawal of Vornado's bid and the death of Mendik left the way clear for ''Lucky Larry'' Silverstein, to accomplish his multi million dollar dream.

''Mendik at the time of his death was in his tenth year as Chairman of the Real Estate Board of New York. As chairman of the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY), Mendik and the organization lobbied successfully to eliminate the onerous "Cuomo" tax on capital gains that took ten cents on each dollar, and obtained the passage of state legislation that reduced the 3 percent transfer taxes on properties that were merely being exchanged for stock and not cash'' courtesy.

Keller Williams Realty - Franchise Review

Gary Keller and Joe Williams established the "Keller Williams Realty" in the year 1983. Gary Keller and Joe Williams used to work in a real estate company in Austin, Texas. It was the biggest real estate company at that time. It was at this place that both the person came together to form a long lasting friendship. Both of them believed in the idea that the company should work for the employee. This idea led to the formation of "Keller Williams Realty" in the subsequent years.

The "Keller Williams Realty" And Their Franchisees

The company started franchising in the year 1987, four years after their establishment. The company is head quartered at Austin, Texas. They have the policy of encouraging agents to recruit others through the profit sharing. Currently, the company has one hundred and seventy five employees. There are another fifteen employees working at the franchise department. According to the 2009 reports, the company has six hundred and seventy five franchises throughout the length and breadth of United States. The number of franchises in Canada is thirteen. Presently the company is seeking franchisees in the Unites States and Canada. As a gesture to social responsibility; they are attached with habitat for humanity and food bank drives.

The Investment Amount To Become A Franchise

The net investment for becoming a "Keller Williams Realty" franchise; varies between $ 1, 74,647 to $ 5, and 57,495. The charges are a franchise fee and ongoing royalty fee. The franchise fee is twenty five thousand dollar and the ongoing royalty fee is a flat six percent rate. The terms of agreement is valid for five years and is renewable. The franchise fee, start up cost, equipment cost, inventory cost, receivable accounts and the payroll cost is not financed by the "Keller Williams Realty".

The Desired Qualifications And Operations Of A Franchise

The company doesn't have any mandatory net worth requirement for opening a franchise. However, they do have $ 1, 50,000 cash liquidity requirement. They also expect the franchise owner to have industry and general business experience. Thirty percent of the franchisees own more than a single unit. Three to four employees is required to run a franchised unit. "Keller Williams Realty" allows absentee ownership of the franchise. Fifteen percent of current franchise owners are absentee.

The Extended Training And Support

The company provides ongoing training courses at their head quarter and franchise location, throughout the year. The ongoing support is extended to all the franchisees, through news letter, meetings, and internet and field operations. The national media advertisement and exposures provide substantial marketing support to the franchisees. In-house marketing department is another great support for the "Keller Williams Realty" franchise.

The "Keller Williams Realty" is a well known name in its business domain. The franchise friendly attitude of "Keller Williams Realty", combined with the great sales support makes it an attractive option for taking up the franchise.

Keeping a Grasp of Realty Unemployment Protection Insurance

We all got loans, bills and other things to pay for. We all need to work. However, times are becoming more and more volatile and the situations are worsening. Not all people have secure jobs and the job that you felt was very solid can end up somewhere you never expected.

One of the most popular kinds of protection that an employee can get is Unemployment Protection Insurance. If you suddenly became unemployed, it would be very hard for you to address your loans, mortgages and living conditions. If the issue is due to redundancy, you can get this insurance so that you can gain some level of financial security in order to make loan and mortgage repayments and address the bills. This is also a very useful kind of protection so that while you are doing some job hunting, you have enough money to survive the demands of life especially for someone with a family or have other obligations to address.

When you apply for the Unemployment Protection Insurance, normally, you have to be employed on a regular job in order to qualify for this kind of insurance. Normally, you will be able to cover at least 50% of the current salary that you earn unless you are planning on paying individual payments just like loan and mortgage. The very first thing that you have to do is ask for a quote. While you have a job, you need to already consider these kinds of risks. You can now take advantage of services offered online to provide with quotes depending on how much your are willing to ensure.

Once you get the details, you can now make the right decisions. You should also look at the important details like terms and conditions so that you will be able to assess what conditions or considerations will your claim be eligible or not. You should also know how long the insurance will last. Understanding these details will help you in understanding what your advantages and risks are when it comes to addressing your loans and other obligations.

It is necessary nowadays to be prepared for the unexpected. No matter how secure we are, we cannot really prove that our work will last a lifetime. Things do come at unexpected situations and if you make the right decision, you can live a secure life with the help of the unemployment protection coverage.

Investment Realty - How Do I Profit With Real Estate?

Many people are considering investment realty to have something they could get money from. It is all about making profits that you too can get yourself into. Take a step into the real estate business world and produce continuing cash flow with realty investment.

No degree or any educational attainment is required to have realty for investment. All you need is money that will serve as your capital and the right knowledge, which you can earn even without having to attend to a school. Proper knowledge on realty investment can be obtained wherever you are, even at home as long as you know where to get helpful information or courses online.

As a potential realty investor, it is imperative for you to learn how you can reduce all costs involved and maximize your earnings. You have to assess all that may be involved in your venture like the rental rate, rental income, property repair costs (current and future expenditures), earnings that you can possibly get if you sell your property and return on investment.

Beginning in investment realty is not easy. Finding investment realties can be so very challenging but with the right know how, proper education, strategic planning and effective strategies, you can surely handle and deal with almost everything without hassles. If you are yearning to generate continuing flow of cash with realty, make sure to keep yourself up to date with the latest trends in realty investment and what can be expected in the future.

Also, you have to find out yourself just how you can develop your net value with an investment realty that you can control. Other than buying a discounted realty, there are many other things that you should take into account other than low market value price. Many realty investors are considering foreclosed homes that they can beautify and sell at a market value price.

Although foreclosed realties can be a feasible investment strategy, you still have to be careful in determining their ups and downs as sometimes, these properties can only cost you more. Many of these properties require expensive repairs and costly renovations. Being an investor, you have to perform inspections either by yourself or with a professional then get estimates for whatever costs may be involved in improving the property.

You also need to figure out when you can expect a return on investment. If your chosen realty will only cause you to keep spending for a year instead of gaining within three or four months, find another investment realty and think of other strategies that can give you great profits.

All You Need to Know About Realty Sector

Selling and buying house in the property market has nowadays become a trend. Almost everybody is busy either selling or purchasing the property. Selling and buying houses consists of some simple steps which you should follow very carefully. You will find a large number of houses that are listed in the house property and the buyer can choose the one as per his or her requirement. These house properties are listed with the information which is adequate and relevant to the house property. The buyer considers various budgets as well as related factors in order to determine which one is best among them.

The market is full of buyers as well as sellers. The seller sells the property without any fear and the buyer buys it. Nowadays, the financing schemes have becomes much more flexible. A lot of financial institutions and banks are offering you loan and financing services.

The buyer has the option of purchasing a property with the help of a real estate agent or a realtor. However, you need to pay special attention to the previous experience and reputation of the realtor before you avail his or her services.

Here are some tips that will help you to ease the process of buying or selling of the property.

Firstly, you need to document your entire plan well. This will include the possible location, budget, financial strategies and type of tenants and your option to purchase the property.

Secondly, you need to focus on the few best areas that you should invest in. However, consider only a few areas otherwise you will become too confused. Focus on the best of the areas that you think will attract the best of the property rates. You need to think about the type of tenants that you want. Rental income is not the only goal, you need to consider long term capital growth as well.

Thirdly, you need to choose a strategy that sticks. Don't involve or mix more strategies as you may bind to get confused them. Thus, assess few strategies but finalize only one which you will stick to.

Renting property for the purpose of investment is one of the most common methods to earn some extra income. However, to do perform this task well you need to attract the best of the quality tenants.

Information on Western North Carolina Realty

Western North Carolina is blessed with eye opening natural beauty, which includes lush green smoky mountains and the Appalachian mountains along with Blue Ridge parkway, beautiful lakes and rivers cutting through thick forests which have different varieties of 42 different trees all around, such as from birch to aspen, from maples to apples to pines. This could be your perfect place to buy your peaceful and exotic holiday farm houses or lands. You can find variety of lands here starting from huge acreages to house sites.

If you are considering investing in buying home in Western North Carolina realty then you should go for Sapphire valley homes or Lake Glenville property. There is no time like present to invest in property, whether you are looking for a romantic bungalow, or a large 4 bedroom home for your family or a dream vacation home.

You should visit the High-lands cashiers' area and see for yourself why so many people want to build their homes in this beautiful region. You can enjoy and avail the facilities of golfing, swimming, tennis and horse riding. This area is home to fine cuisine establishments, as well as musical and theatre performances and international film festival. You can find prestigious shopping centers such as antiques shop, jewelry, crafts shops and many more just a few minutes drive away from this place.

Sapphire valley is another exotic location in western North Carolina, which got its name after when a fifty pound bag of gems was found, this valley is located in Nantahala national forest. People who visit this area love Gorges Park, full of beautiful gorges, biking and hiking trails and unique wildlife.

Discover mountain life with Lake Glenville property, this world renowned lake has approximately 26 miles of shoreline and roughly 1450 acres of land surrounding the lake. A resident of this area enjoys swimming and water skiing, canoeing and sun bathing. If you venture out this place you will come across secluded waterfalls and enjoy a relaxing water cruise along.

If you search through the web and check out the properties available in western North Carolina you will be amazed to see such beautiful pieces of lands available for sale, you can buy your land in the mountainous region which has splendid scenic view and smoky mountains all around. You can find property along the creeks and lakes, here property is a bit expensive as it covers a large area of land. Property with water around or near can be very beneficial as you can utilize it in different forms and they can even be rented out easily when they are not in your use.

Many land sites are also available next to main connecting roads which are closer to markets and shopping places, these lands are not situated in secluded area and may be busy with cars going and coming along and will not have much privacy and peace which you are looking for when you invested.

Indian Realty Proved an Ideal Sector to Invest

Realty is one of the sectors that bring long term capital gain for the investors. Whether it is developed countries or developing every economy try to maintain its infrastructure in order to attract investors and business personnel to get invested with their country. Real estate is one of the sectors that depict the economic development of a particular country. For India, one of the fasting growing countries in this world since independence; has successfully turned out as one of the emerging and lucrative destinations to reap assured returns on real estate investment in different states and cities of the nation. The appreciation of various residential and commercial properties in India has been quite better as compared to the other Asian countries. The modern amenities and infrastructural facilities such as well connected roads, clean environment, better transport; power supply, easy accessibility from one part to other section of Indian cities are some of the features that attracts the attentions of investors from all across the globe towards India properties.

Investment in real estate in India is undoubtedly a lucrative option of better and profitable investment with awesome property growth in some of the major cities in India. Some of the booming realty markets of India are Gurgaon, Delhi, Hyderabad, Noida, Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Chandigarh, Jaipur and many more. All these favorable destinations offer world class commercial and residential spaces in order to suit the international level of accommodating standard. Indian property market offers wide range of residential and commercial spaces that are bound to get unexpected appreciation in near future. Various types of flats, housing societies, independent floors, apartments, builder floors, luxury bungalows, houses condominiums, penthouses and independent villas are available in Indian cities offering enough options to think moodily. Here in India, you will find huge list of reputed property developers and builders in india that have contributed with their best efforts in terms of unique property projects with the aim of developing the standard of Indian infrastructure.

Mainly the set up of metro local train system in most of the metropolitan cities of India is providing a speedy and hassle free commutation that have successfully added to the real estate growth in the major cities of India. Location and facility of a property whether residential or commercial, are the two most important considerations before buying a property. If we talk about the capital city then delhi properties have registered tremendous growth in its infrastructure. Not in from commercial side but also residential properties in delhi are on the top. Even c grade locations in delhi are enjoying high rates and demand as well. Delhi is a hub of students, high profile executives and business personnel that can easily afford the high rates of delhi properties. Apart from delhi, other major cities of India are in the same phase of offering many new investment and business opportunities to the world. Therefore, it is a time to get in touch with property developers and real estate agents of India of different states and cities in order to get invested with latest market trends.

Indian Realty - Gateway to High Capital Return

Real estate is one of the sectors that ensure huge capital gain in long run. For developing countries this sector really proved worth for there economic and infrastructure development. Properties with different categories bring different sections of the society to deal with. In India, one of the emerging and business hubs of the world, welcome all types of leading companies for business, investment and resident purposes. Today, real estate in India is on the development phase where it can easily compete with some of the developed sections of the world. Development authorities of India, builders and other real estate developers have played a vital role in introducing the western culture of realty to Indian market. Over the past few decades, numbers of builders and real estate developers have already been in the process of developing wide range of realty sectors with latest technology and modern architect design. All these have been made India property on the top of the list where you will find wide range of residential and commercial properties with different rates and dimensions.

The real estate sector of India has bought an attractive range of properties assure to offer world class accommodating environment of international standard. Hyderabad, Pune, Tamil Nadu, Bangalore, Mangalore, Chennai property are some of the hot destinations of India where you will find major section of NRI realty investment. All these southern states and cities of India houses wide range of residential and commercial properties that attract the attentions of all over the world. Besides these, Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Mohali, Mumbai are also favorably among the society. All these states and cities of India offer awesome job and business opportunities along with world class living environment. Among these hot destinations, Noida and Gurgaon are the two leading business hubs of India where you will find most of the BPOs, KPOs, telecom and IT industries doing their business with high successful return. Apart from commercial segments, Noida and Gurgaon are also introduced India with the world class private and independent bungalows and luxury villas that are mostly for high class families and luxury livings.

Apart from these two cities, Mumbai being a finance capital of India, houses corporate offices of most of the world leading companies that attracts business personnel from all over the world. Besides these, Mumbai property is also allured huge traffic from all over the world because of its Bollywood presence where most of the people want to have their dream property. If go towards Northern India then Chandigarh is another hot destination for real estate investment. Chandigarh properties are famous for pre planned infrastructure that comprises bungalows, kothis, villas and housing apartments. If you are new to India and interested to invest with real estate then it is worth to get in touch with builders in India and other property developers in India that provide you with the complete information about the different segments of Indian properties along with its latest trends and rates running in the current market.

Increasing Traffic To Your Realty Website With SEO

Your real estate website could already be offering great services and website designs. However, without being correctly optimized for search engines it will most probably end up where very few users will search. Read on to find out the importance of SEO for your realty website.

Traffic is an imperative for any business on the Internet, regardless of their industry. Your realty business is no exception. If your website is invisible to your potential customers, it is obvious that you are losing them to someone else. Your real estate website requires some sprucing so that it is more noticeable to search engines and eventually to your customers. There are various ways to get there, starting from an attractive looking site to adding tools to networking and marketing to SEO and others.

While it is crucial to cover other features and tools, optimizing your website for search engines is one of the most important requirements. Your realty website could already be loaded with great services and offers, but without being optimized for search engines it is bound to end up where very few users will search. You'd be surprised what difference can few SEO tweaks do to your website's traffic.

Text up!

Remember that search engine crawlers oversee images and videos while crawling websites. They might be attractive and informative to visitors who watch them (this way they are helpful). However, to be on top of the search engine ranking, your website's content is what does the work. So, add 'more' relevant and high quality content to your site. Research and use the most popular key phrases and keywords on your pages and articles, blogs and press releases. Use the key phrases and keywords but do not overuse them at the same time. Having more pages with useful information that offers solution to your visitors will automatically raise the quality, and over time, traffic to your site. Writing content is easier and more economical as well.

Articles, blogs and press releases

These are powerful tools via which you can take your message from the confines of your web pages and distribute them across the world wide web. The content of your articles could be general or target specific. The important thing is that they should contain what your potential customers would look for. Blogs have great function as they offer the readers a two way communication. For instance, a reader can add his/her comment regarding the blog or ask questions. Likewise, you can submit press releases to various channels, RSS feeds and websites etc., and get inbound links.

Make use of directories

Submitting your website to various web directories is another way of acquiring inbound links. Unlike search engines, each site listed on a directory is found, quality and relevance checked, and then added to appropriate categories on the directory's database. Search engines such as Google, use the data from directories in their ranking algorithm. Hence, marking a presence on directories can also impact your search engine ranking. Directories that are deemed as high quality may charge for submission of your site, but the benefit you get from being listed on such directory is always worth the fee.

Strike a balance

While making use of texts or attractive graphics or videos improve your website's visibility and appeal on the web, it is advised not to overuse them. For instance, using a keyword repeatedly (in hundreds) on the same page might get your website penalized by search engines as it is not considered a healthy practice. Likewise, overusing images and videos will make your website heavy, requiring more time to load pages, and annoy the visitors. The key is to maintain a proper balance of all the ingredients.

Other general points

Just like any other website, there are some areas worth keeping in mind while creating your realty website. These include your website's title tag, keywords meta tag, description meta tag, title etc. As basic as they may be, using the relevant tags and title are important. If you are doing it yourself, you should possess a fair amount of knowledge and skill in programming, page layout, graphics editing and be creative. If you feel it is too much for one person (which often is), you can hire a reliable realty website designer to get it done for you while you manage your core business. Find one by simply running a search for best realtor web sites on a search engine.

Improving Your Realty Business Via Marketing For Realtors

Every realtor investor wants to do well with their business. Highlands Ranch realtors are no exception. If you have the tools and experience you will be able to solve the problems that other people can't and you will notice that your clients will refer you new clients. Once people start coming to you first you will have less of a problem with competition. Competition is every realtor's problem. However you have to beat the competition to become successful. Knowing how to market will give you an edge on your competition.

Marketing is very important for Highlands Ranch realtors. The Denver area has a growing real estate market all around it and Highlands Ranch realtors have to not only compete with other realtors in the area but other realtors in other cities as well. For Highlands Ranch realtors they can market using various ways, however one of the most effective may be through their local businesses. The Park Meadows Mall offers a perfect opportunity for realtors to get their name out. There is also over 100 different specialty shops in the area that a realtor can go to.

Realtors can also keep an eye out for local buildings that look like they are not occupied. If there are any buildings that look damaged or abandoned or have city notices you may want to talk to the local neighbors. Many of the neighbors don't like looking at a building that is rundown and will often want to see it restored. You can try to leave your card on the door or you can try to find the owner through property records and then contact him or her.

You can also post flyers at buildings such as the mall, colleges, bowling alleys, and any other place that gets a lot of foot traffic. You can offer a reward or commission on a house if someone tells you of a property that you can get a deal with. While not all Highlands Ranch realtors are investors this will work well for those who are.

It's important to get your name and the name of your company out in the public. If you're able to do this you will find that investing and selling comes easier. For investors they will be able to find better deals on buildings and will get more tips on buildings or homes that are absolutely at rock bottom prices due to such things as foreclosures. For realtors they will be able to have the most powerful form of communication work for them which is word of mouth. If you have happy customers then they will most likely refer their friends, families, neighbors, and anyone looking to sell a house to you. This will result in you having a lot more business than normal. In a smaller town such as Highlands Ranch you gain the added benefit of everyone knowing everyone. Highlands Ranch realtors that can take advantage of this small technique can get huge returns that they may have never thought even to be possible.

IDX Powered Realty Website Giving You an Edge

If you plan to get a website designed for promoting your real estate business, ensure that it is powered by IDX technology. It could be a difference between you and your competitors, so make sure it is there. It will provide an added advantage to the users as well.

If you've recently got a real estate website designed, find out with your developers whether they've put the IDX on it. IDX or Internet Data Exchange is a technology that will enable visitors on your website see the listings from a Multiple Listing Services (MLSs). This increases the options before the prospective clients manifold as they can search from listings available in an extensive database.

If you want to make your site actually useful for the end users, it is essential that you put up the IDX on it. In fact, you need not tell a competent web developer to rope in the technology. Any developer, who has some experience in developing the realty websites, will know that such a website just won't work sans the IDX. It connects your website to the database of your local real estate board, enhancing its value a lot.

Ask your developer to provide integrated IDX solution that will provide you the ability to have more control over the search. The system produces 'IDX snippets' onto pages, displaying property listings relevant to the page. For instance, if the user wants to search for properties over $1million on a luxury property page, the system will provide for it. These listings are not available either through search engines such as Google and Bing, or real estate portals such Zillow and Trulia. People can access these listings only when they visit a website.

IDX is as much useful for website owners as for the users. It enables the brokers display extensive listings even if they have no listings of their own. An IDX-powered realty website helps them to present themselves as a seasoned player and engage the visitors to garner a deal. For emerging real estate brokers, this is a big advantage.

When working on IDX integration with a website, the developers aggregate the MLS data, organize it, and streamline it to appear on the clients' websites. They also supplement the IDX with an efficient lead capture and management system. Using the system, the clients can harvest the contact information of the interested visitors, communicate with these prospective buyers, discuss with them the listings of interest, convince them about their service, thus trying to convert the lead into a sale.

The system will provide for the clients to turn on / off MLS lead capture form for extra leads. It will also enable them to upload information about real estate using the panel interface. If your local MLS coverage is fast and reliable, you will be able to benefit from better conversion prospects. As for IDX integration, choose a developer that has considerable experience of developing realty websites. They will put up a robust code that will deal with any issues that come up and ensure flawless listing display. At the same time, they will provide competitive prices.

In fact, all best realtor web sites are backed with IDX technology. Sans it, a realty website loses ground to better equipped competitors. So why lose business that you can capture with an IDX powered website. Work with your designer to ensure that.

How to Start a Real Estate Blog for Generating Internet Leads

It does not matter whether you have been selling realty property for ten years or ten days. If you do not currently run a real estate blog, you are going to want to start. Many people assume that starting a blog is extremely complicated or that it is going to cost them a lot of money. The thing is though, this is hardly the case, as it will actually help you to make more money.

Do Some Online Research

Before you get started, you may want to look at some of the other real estate blogs out there. This will allow you to get a feel for what is good content and what is not, from a reader's perspective. Just as you would with any other social media blog, you want to make sure that you are engaging your readers. You want to use your blog to gain respect and to become an authority on the market.

A great way to get started is to read some real estate blog books that will help you with this particular venture. With a realty blogging book, you could find that little bit of extra motivation to get started on your path to success.

Of course, you might be thinking that you already know that you need listing leads. However, what you might not fully understand is how social media for real estate is changing the game. You will be able to obtain an audience of those listing and those buying real estate. With their interest, their attention and your knowledge of the MLS IDX, you will be able to create a strong bond between yourself and your readers. It is important to remember that an internet lead is just as good as any other type of lead.

Take the First Step

When you first start out with your social media blog on real estate, you are going to want to make sure that you have a plan in place. You want to have an outline that contains your objective and your social media plans that will allow you to reach your goal. Think about how blog listings will help you.

Now that you are ready to make the leap and start your own blog, you are going to want to take it slow. Start with an easy blog. Do not overdo it. You want to keep it simple and really set the stage for what you are about to accomplish. Allow your readers to get a feel for you.

Build the Relationship

It is important to remember that a blog is not a sales pitch. It is a relationship and as with any relationship, it is going to require a lot of work. If you want, you can start writing your blog posts and have only your friends, family and co-workers review it, before you allow it to go public. However, you do not want to hide in the shadows forever. It is important to make sure that you are stepping out into the light, making the connections, and gathering the leads that will change your career for the better.

How To Make Your Realty Website Shine Using Flash Map

Do you have a realty website that is not making the mark? Your website might not standout simply because it has a plain and dull look. Moreover, your realty site may have the same look and feel as numerous other sites do. In such a case, it is obvious that your website will under perform. It is imperative to make your realty website more interactive and visually useful.

Time has come when you can design a website having an appealing look and make it more interactive with the use of a Flash map. Are you still skeptical? Let's have a look at some of its benefits:

Easy Navigation

The basic requirement of a realty site is better navigation and information access on some specific locations. With the help of interactive maps your visitors will easily locate your branch office or find some landmarks that they might find useful to locate a place as stated on the map. These maps will prove useful in terms of finding specific routes and properties customers wish to purchase. Finding an exact location won't be that easy if only the addresses are provided. A Flash map will show the directions more effectively.

Quick Access to Information

Most of your online audience has little time to physically visit the properties for sale every time they want some information. Nor they have the time to visit all the properties that are highlighted for sale in your website. They will prefer to have a look at the map of their town or city and click on the property they are interested to purchase. They want access to information quickly without having to visit each of the locations in person.

Visually Rich Information

Deals on the internet mature very fast. Your potential customer will make their purchasing decisions depending on the quality of information they access on your website. Impress your audience with interactive maps in Flash providing visually rich information - not just ordinary text descriptions.

Custom Maps to Suit your Needs

These maps can even be custom-made based on your realty business needs. Integrate mouse roll-over tool commands if your target audience is local. This way you can easily display information related to a neighboring suburb or locality.

Using the Zoom Feature

There are properties which needs special emphasis in your realty website. In such properties, integrate the zoom feature in your interactive maps. This interactive feature of the map will enable your target customers to access information about such properties quicker. Consequently, it will also help you close the deal much faster.

More Interactive

There are softwares that provide interactive templates for your maps. These softwares help to introduce some images into your site that you might take from other online sources. You can be more interactive by adding labels, icons and cool illustrative lines for the display of road routes. If you have an important conference with your clients then you also have the option of including interactive maps for a PowerPoint slide show too.

I would advise you to avail the services of a professional flash web design firm if you want the best results from your realty website.

How to Make Free Realty Online Classified Ads Effective

There are various online classified ads sites that perform different marketing strategies and cover distinctive aspects in the field, may it be job hiring, home and living, local, national or international events and many more. One of the most popular and most visited sites in the internet is the real estate classifieds.

It is a fact that there are lots of possibilities that happen on the internet. Free realty online classified ads are one of them.

Real estate ads are usually posted in newspapers and magazines. Many of the real estate companies even rely most on printed advertisements to generate profits. But today, it's a different story. More and more real estate businesses resort to online classified ads because it has a wider coverage as compared to the offline ads and there are many websites that offer free ads placements.

With free realty online classified ads, advertising and marketing of lands, homes and other related properties has become easier, convenient and competitive. Internet ads are already the favorite of majority of advertisers simply for the fact that it offers possible clients with a range of significant information and product background.

Here are the following steps on how to make realty online classified ads effective:

Step 1:

What the Home Buyers need, the Home Buyers gets. There are specific points that buyers put into consideration when looking for the best land, home or any other real estate property. The advertiser should set a website that contains all the information necessary to cater to the needs of his clients.

Step 2:

Contemplate on the location of the properties to be sold. Remember that you are not only dealing with local customers but international as well. Advertisers should be keen enough to define very concisely the property's location and with mapping features for easy identification. Address of the properties marketed on free realty online classified ads should be determined for the clients' convenience.

Step 3:

Always put a price on every real property to be sold online. Note that buyers appreciate a site that contain breakdown of prices such as how much should be the down payment or other payment terms. Be sure that it is easy for the buyers to understand placements of your products.

Step 4:

Pictures of the properties should be well posted. Unlike the offline advertising business where ad spaces are limited to a picture or two, online classified ads has more storage for pictures of the properties and company services to be marketed providing the buyer broader and extensive options as to what estate or properties to purchase.

How to Become a Top Realty Agent

 In the United States alone, there are about two million real estate agents. This is according to estimates by the National Association of Realtors. Worldwide, the number of property agents is also rising rapidly. The reason is often that most people think being a real estate agent is easy, fun, and profitable. It can be fun and profitable, but it is far from easy. There could be truth to it, though. So how could any real estate agent like you beat the increasing and intensifying competition? Here is an effective and logical guide.

First, think of yourself as the business. As an agent, you could be working for any broker. Keep in mind though that at most brokerages you're an independent contractor, with no base salary. You should not rely on any other person to help you do your duties.

Adapt a planning attitude. Effective agents should know how to plan and to execute timetables and goals. Remember that in this industry, if you do not have your own plan, you could find yourself within somebody else's plan. Successful agents are those who do planning well, professionally and personally.

Research your market and be conservative with your numbers; it often takes longer than you'd expect to get your business off the ground. You are responsible for your very own expenses as an agent. Thus, it would be ideal to direct your research efforts specific to your own marketing plans, which should be within your strategies. What is the difference between marketing and strategic plans? Marketing plans are mostly data driven, while strategic plans are identifying who is doing what and by when.

Establish goals in sales. Go back to your strategic plans and establish sales goals. It takes patience to do so. Execution of plans also takes time, so it is important to be patient and persevering if you really aim to be a successful real estate agent. For beginners, it usually takes about six months before fruits of such strategies are realized and goals are met.

Create financial budgets. It is not surprising that budgeting is very critical especially because of the ups and downs in the volatile market place. Remember that the financial budget should always plan and cover your marketing costs, as well as any other additional expenses like education and even forecast income.

Prioritize your business and marketing activities.  There's never enough time in the day, so it's important to focus on the most critical aspects.. For you to be successful, you should learn how to effectively manage yourself specifically in time management. Consider getting a sales coach if you have trouble with accountability. Real estate is a 24/7 business. But never overlook your personal life (family, physical life, friends, others).

How To Apply for An Alaska Real Estate License

The State of Alaska governs the licensing of those in, or wanting to become part of the real estate professionals in this state and all persons willing to trade or do business in property must hold a valid license for the state of Alaska.

Alaska Commission Requirements to be a Real Estate Salesperson

You must pass an appropriate exam

You must not be under indictment for any crime or felony that would affect the individual's ability to practice in the state of Alaska. You must also not be under indictment for forgery, theft, extortion, conspiracy to defraud creditors or fraud.

You must apply for a salesperson's license within six month of passing the exam

You must pay the appropriate fees and meet the education requirements.

Where To Learn How To Be A Realty Salesperson in Alaska

Before you can take the test to become a realtor in the state of Alaska, you need to acquire 40 hours of training before you are capable of taking the exam for Alaska agents in realty

Below are a few Alaska Salesperson Training Schools and Resources. Expect to pay approximately $500 for training in Alaska and then it costs another $100 to take the salesperson exam.

Alaska Real Estate School

Royse and Associates Training School

Northern Trust School in Anchorage, AK

Realty School Online for the state of Alaska

Allied Schools

Testing for the Alaska Realty License

Once you have completed the 40 hours of training for a salesperson's license, you're not done yet, because now you have to pass the salesperson's exam, and this will cost you another $100 to take the exam, and a successful passing grade is 75%. If you fail the exam, you do not have to obtain more training and you do have the option of taking the exam again until you are successful in passing the examination allowing you to trade in realty in this state

What it Costs for an Exam and License for Realtors

Including fees for the Alaska salesperson's training courses (40 hours) and the examinations costs, expect to pay approximately $500 to obtain your realty license for the state of Alaska. Depending on what school you attend for the exam you should expect to pay about $400 and and then the exam costs another $100 as well, bringing the total cost to become a licensed real estate salesperson in the state of Alaska to $500 or more.

Once you have passed your exam to become a licensed professional in the state of Alaska, all you need to do now is to start working for a broker in Alaska to begin your career in Alaska real estate.

History of Sothebys International Realty

As a subsidiary of an historic firm with a globally recognized name, Sotheby's International Realty (SIR) joined a rich tradition when it was created in 1976 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the main company. SIR was conceived as a natural extension of Sotheby's portfolio of auction services.

The founder of Sotheby's, Samuel Baker, held the company's first sale -- a book auction - on March 11, 1744. During the intervening 232 years, the company evolved from its role as a book seller to the recognized international leader in auctions of fine and decorative arts, furniture and collectibles.

The patrons who frequented Sotheby's auctions were also involved in the buying and selling of unique properties and were desirous of working with an entity that could both understand and best represent those residences and estates. Thus the decision to branch into real estate seemed a natural for the storied auction house.

In 2004, Sotheby's Holdings forged an alliance with Cedant Corporation, now Realogy Corporation, to create a long-term, multi-national presence in the world of luxury real estate. Realogy, the leading real estate brokerage franchiser on the world stage, developed a full SIR franchise network via a subsidiary, Sotheby's International Realty Affiliates LLC.

Sothby's International Realty France operates more than 35 offices with a goal of 50 in total to appropriately cover the country's most important markets. Firms designated as Sothby's affiliates are carefully chosen via a strict election criteria and must first have a well-established reputation for excellence before they can be considered to join the Sothby's network.

The Burger Davis affiliation with SIR dates from 2003. The firm's managing director, Judith, began a career in luxury hospitality management in the United Kingdom where she worked in operations with renowned 5 star hotels. Moving to France, she became the first female maitre d' hotel at the Carlton Casino Club and helped to design and manage celebrity functions and events, notably during the Cannes International Film Festival. In 1995, at the request of her celebrity clientele, she founded Davis Villa Management to ensure they enjoyed exclusive second homes on the French Riviera.

With the Sotheby's partnership in 2003, the firm became the recognized leader in rental and management company on the Cote d'Azur and now offers a full real estate service. Judith is a leading figure in real estate industry on the French Riviera and her exclusive client list is testament to the unrivaled levels of service that Burger Davis Sotheby's offer.

Sotheby's International Realty brokerages gain a powerful program of marketing and referrals as members of the Sotheby's network. Consequently, SIR's independent real estate firms serve the needs of the world's most prestigious clientele. Affiliates are ever mindful of the reputation they uphold and are cognizant that they are responsible for providing an exceptional level of service to both buyers and sellers.

Hants County Realty

From hobby farms to village condos, Hants County, Nova Scotia has something to offer the most discriminating home hunter.

Spanning communities from Enfield to Windsor, this drive will charm you! There are areas, such as East Hants, that are experiencing a huge burst of development, thanks to it's proximity to the Halifax/Dartmouth area and International Airport. But at the same time, you can still find those secret spots, yet to be touched by the hand of the steely developer.

For the adventurer, Highway 215 from Shubenacadie through to Walton offers a host of activities for you to enjoy. Start your day at the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park, where the otters and bears will be more than happy you stopped by. After lunch, enjoy riding the rapids of the world highest tides as the Bay of Fundy's tidal boar races across the ocean floor.

From craft stores featuring the wares of many fine craftsmen, to art galleries, there is something for everybody in this Central Nova Scotia County. Wind your way along Old Hwy #14 as you venture from Nine Mile River through the picturesque Rawdon Hills into the charming town of Windsor, host of the popular Hants County Exhibition.

Housing prices range from the sprawling estate to the cozy, seaside cottage. Family oriented developments abound, and at this point, housing values are still on the rise despite the recent shake ups in our economy. If stability and security are priorities on your home hunting list, this area of Nova Scotia should not be overlooked.

The county has seen a recent rise in new, high tech, public school buildings including new elementary schools in East Hants for Enfield, Elmsdale, Lantz and Milford, as well as a new Middle School. It is a county where people care, about their communities and their neighbors. Numerous recreational activities abound including hockey, curling, swimming, ATV clubs, racing, and more.

For those who are looking for the perfect artist's retreat, there are ample communities along the scenic routes where true inspiration can be found. Enjoy the charm and innovation of the Age of Sail in the registered historic village of Maitland, where W.D. Lawrence built his world famous sailing vessels, or walk on the ocean floor at low tide at Burncoat Head. Enjoy fantastic bass fishing from the shores of your Tennecape cottage, or snuggle in for a hearty winter storm in a classic farm house overlooking the bay.

If you wish to be close to the province's capital city of Halifax, Hants County has you covered. Located within 30minutes of picturesque downtown Halifax, the communities of Enfield, Elmsdale and Lantz have experienced rapid growth due to the urban sprawl as people seek a more peaceful lifestyle that still offers all major amenitities.

No matter your heart's desire, it's sure to be found in this fantastic county. From corn fields to seashores, your dream destination could be but a click away!

HAFA Under HAMP - What Is It

The recently announced Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives program (HAFA) provides instructions for lenders and servicers participating in the Making Home Affordable Program and HAMP. HAFA is designed to streamline the short sale and deed-in-lieu process. Specifically, the program is aimed at presenting an alternative to foreclosure homeowners who were either ineligible or unable to get loan modifications for their existing loans and mortgages, as prescribed by HAMP. Additionally, another of HAFA's goals is to establish and maintain clear and easily understandable timelines, that are capable of being enforced against servicers. These timelines are intended to urge the servicers of these loans to respond and grant relief to the homeowners in a timely manner.

Under HAFA, short sales will be permitted if they are pre-approved before a property is listed on the market. This way, the servicers of the loans will not be able to reduce the commissions available to the hardworking professionals helping the distressed homeowners. Additionally, borrowers will be freed from future liability for the debt and there will be financial incentives created for borrowers, servicers and investors alike.

Specifically, HAFA sets a deadline of three business days to submit an executed purchase offer to the servicer with regard to a short sale and the servicer then has ten business days to respond to the offer, thereby speeding up and clarifying the process. This standardization works to the benefit of everyone involved. Although servicers are still allowed to negotiate commissions (not to exceed 6 percent), they are only allowed to do before the property is listed and not after.

Also, the servicer will still be able to decide on the minimum net proceeds for a short sale; however if an offer presented to the servicer by the borrower or listing broker meets the net proceeds requirement, then the servicer must accept it. This creates a beneficial environment for the selling homeowners and the potential buyers making offers.

To further facilitate this process, each participating servicer is also required to establish and uphold a written policy that describes the basis and terms upon which it will offer the HAFA program to its borrowers. However, it must be noted that all borrowers must be evaluated for a loan modification under HAMP before they can avail themselves of benefits under HAFA.

Finally, HAFA goes into effect on April 5, 2010, however the industry rumors are leaning toward the earlier implementation of this program by servicers. Currently, the program is available only for non-Fannie Mae- or Freddie Mac-owned loans up to $729,750 but this may change in the future.

Goa Real Estate - Emerging Realty Destination

Goa is situated on the west coast of India and is famous for its millions of years old beaches, world heritage architectures and worship places i.e. both temples and churches. The capital of Goa is Panaji and is highly distinct from all other cities of India. Goa is the hottest and the most popular tourist destination for its pristine beaches and international lifestyle.

The city of Goa splashes a terrific blend of old and new, verdant hill forests, shiny sand, swaying coconut trees, infrastructural marvels perfectly coupled with hospitable and charming people. This region known as the smallest Indian city does not only lure holidayers but property investors also. The investment avenues are evergreen in this city as all the above luxuries can be enjoyed throughout the year. Goa seems to be a perfect investment destination for many as relaxed and quality living is its primary offering. You can enjoy your retirement life amidst its greenery and sparkling environs by investing in Goa property now before prices are spiraled high. You can invest in any kind of property like penthouses, flats, guest houses, rest houses, hotels or other kinds of residential and commercial properties.

With the growing awareness of the tourism potential in Goa and the entry of various international events, the property rates have already grown high. The real estate in Goa is blooming and rates are expected to grow further. The temperature of this city is congenial and suits all kinds of visitors from across the world. It has a global appeal that makes it a favorite with foreigners and continues to invite investments from international corporate entities. Being known best for holidaying, businesses in hospitality are at the top in Goa. In the commercial sector, tourism companies and hotel industry show great interests in Goa real estate. Steep rise in commercial realty rates has also been predicted by the real estate experts.

Moreover, properties in Goa are extremely eye-catching that keep the watcher hooked to them. It is known for its architecture and cultural places like age-old churches and temples. People from far flung areas come to visit these pristine marvels, making this city a precious jewel for the country. Such attractions make it one of the most sought after realty destinations of India. It would always prove beneficial to invest in property in Goa as it will inevitably grow as a holiday destination and a tourist spot.

The future scope of Goa real estate is unlimited and so, realtors and property agents advise investments in the current scenario as it would soon witness sky rocketing prices. This investment would reap high profits in future and so, various leading property dealers like DLF, Parsvnath, Acron, Araujo Home Makers, Sanatan Financers, etc. are entering in Goa in the quest for investment avenues. Some of the upcoming Real Estate Projects in the city are listed below:

1. DLF is all set to come up with a glitzy shopping mall in Panaji's Patto in Goa.

2. Prominent real estate developer, Parsvnath Builders and many others are constructing projects with the aim of transforming scenic locales of Goa into huge housing segments featuring health clubs, tennis courts, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, etc.

3. Apartments on the beach or one with a river view or an exclusive bungalow featuring top-notch facilities, etc. will be the new face of the beach city, Goa. Shopping arcades featuring top brands are also mushrooming in the city.

According to real estate consultants, residential property in Goa asks for high rentals along with good resale value. The construction boom has swept the entire city while it emerges as the upcoming realty destination.

GCC to Perk Up on Low Realty Cost

In a recent report by AT Kearney, a leading global management consulting firm stated Dubai's capacity to "rebound fast should not be underestimated, with low real estate prices at offer now". It further adds that apart from the UAE, the other Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) members would also be back on track by attracting foreign investors on similar grounds. Dubai's strength comes from the over supply of realty units which in turn reduced prices considerably to make them attractive for investors overseas. Many projects regardless of size those which are either put on hold or shelved will likely factor in on supply and demand quotient to give an edge to the failing real estate firms with higher price and profitability in the near future. "As development projects are temporarily or permanently halted, the oversupply will begin to diminish," the report said.

However, the challenge for local developers is to confront the coming consolidation wave, review diversification strategies and manage existing assets wisely. The commercial segment may be the most affected as the available office space will jump from 4mn to 6mn square metres by the end of 2011. AT Kearney report titled "2010 Real Estate Global Opportunity Index" says Dubai's experience is a cautionary tale for other GCC countries to manage supply in accordance with demand. It also noted that the UAE real estate was cheaper in comparison to its global peers. In contrast, Abu Dhabi, the UAE's capital emirate has witnessed increase in tourism and airport traffic, bank lending criteria for residential sales had been relaxed and construction costs were down 30 percent since the end of 2008. Besides, the emirate boasts of $200bn real estate and many high-visibility projects, such as the successful Formula 1 racing event on Yas Island.

A host of luxuries offered by the GCC member states such as, an environment for high style living standards at a lower cost now is likely to attract foreign investors to bet on the future of the region. Nevertheless it is observed that the oil reserves amounting to more than $5 trillion would continue to be central to these economies for many years to come. Likewise, Saudi Arabia is the largest real estate market in the region with numerous mega projects. Unlike the UAE, Qatar or Bahrain which depends on foreign investors, the Saudi kingdom has its own domestic demands to be fulfilled in its realty domain. It has been forecasted in another study that Saudi Arabia will face a shortage of up to 1mn housing units over the next three years, as residential prices increase nearly seven percent annually. The GCC real estate is likely to perk up as there are indications of a global recovery ushered in by emerging economies including China and India where reality has started looking up. Millions of new housing units at affordable prices, falling interest rates and job market stability are expected serve as a springboard to a quick rebound for the region.

Gateway to New Profit Realty Sector of India

The real estate sector is an expanding and lucrative sphere that has edged India as one of the leading real estate investment markets in India. According to reports the market for properties is especially very good in Delhi NCR and Mumbai. The residential properties are considered to be the more advantageous in terms of profit though the properties for hotels are also profitable. Since Noida and Gurgaon are leading business hubs, today residential areas are being set up in and around these business nerve centers. India Properties is a leading website that lists the property services that facilitate the buying, selling or renting of real estate properties in the cities and major towns of India.

Delhi and the National Capital Territory have registered an expansive growth in the field of real estate in the last few years owing to the huge influx of people to the city. More and more people are settling down in these areas as their jobs require that. They either go for purchase of the property if their budgets permit that, else they opt for contractual accommodation. To help them meet their requirements various websites have been launched that allow people to rent, sale or buy properties based in these areas in. The Delhi and Noida properties serve the requirements of real estate to the prospective customers.

Realty prices in Delhi and the NCR have seen a major appreciation since the beginning of this year and there seems to be no sign of their coming down. It is therefore becoming a little difficult for people to buy property. In this scenario prospective buyers can opt for the home loan option, to be actuated from either banks or home finance companies, whereby they may pay the amount through equated monthly installments. Though home loans in India are set to get heavier on the pocket yet these are the best way to tackle the exorbitant price hike. From the mid of December India gets to see a hike in the base rates by at least 12 banks with other banks soon to follow suit and this in turn has pushed the home loan rates higher. Nonetheless this option is more viable for most than paying the entire sum in two or three installments.

Under this whole scenario, the sphere of real estate is not just providing people with their requisite residential or commercial spaces as per their needs and dreams but is one of the leading sectors in generating jobs and employment in the country. It is a well thriving area that has been meeting the job requirements of people and bringing in the bucks. It is expected that the profits are going to go steady and this sphere will provide even better services to the people. From previous few decades it proves to be one of the best sectors where investors can get satisfactory profit on their investment. Home flipping is one of the common activities under the real estate that people usually prefer to have for making short term profit while doing real estate business. Therefore, this sector of different branches brings a lot of opportunities to people and professionals of different fields.

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